At Eyvo, we believe that working with new teams is helpful as it aids in the exchange of new ideas backed with different cultures. The cultural diversity defines what an organization is, and how it differs in different cities around the world. Further, it also helps in the overall growth of the individual.
The people working for an organization are from diverse cultures and each one of them has something unique to bring to the table. Cultural diversity can be witnessed when an employee travels to another city and interacts with the team.
We believe that rewarding our hardworking employees not just in the form of incentives, but also in the form of appreciation is essential. We have always highlighted the importance of motivation in employees and how it affects their efficiency.
We also know that a business trip is well appreciated by an employee for various reasons such as the ability to work with a new team and building relationships. The fact that he/she will be working with a new team, at a new place, and in a different environment is exciting.
In recent times technology has given rise to new levels of communication. Hence, the concept of business travel was not seen as viable by many organizations. This was because of ease of connectivity i.e. employees worked with the teams situated in another city/country with video conferencing and Skype.
Being an IT company, we must keep ourselves up to date with recent technology. However, nothing beats human interaction and face to face communication in businesses.
This year, we gave our employee and Team Lead, Sona Gandhi, the opportunity to interact with the team at our London office. Her trip to London, United Kingdom was eventful, knowledgeable and a great learning experience for her.
We asked her about the experience and it was great. She was all praise when asked about the work environment. It was different than expected but in a good way.
We truly believe in a culturally diverse workplace. Despite having offices in major cities around the world, we make sure our teams meet each other, exchange ideas, build synergies, and learn from diverse cultures. All this, while working together and not forgetting the human aspect involved in this technologically evolving world.
The opportunity to experience diverse work cultures, work with a new team and environment is energizing. The synergy at a workplace is set by the employees and the enthusiasm by which they work.
At Eyvo, rewarding our employees and appreciating their hard work goes miles and holds immense prominence. This way, our employees constantly remain motivated and are willing to learn.
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