One of the most common questions we see is “How long does it take to implement?” And the answer is “It Depends”. We have deployed a system anywhere from within 3 hours of meeting the client up to 2 months. The reason for the variation is the clients available resources in time and personnel – contact us to find out more.
Eyvo’s professional services team can advise you on the numerous different aspects and advantages of our implementation services to get you up and running quickly and smoothly. If you have not made the leap to an eProcurement solution, you can trust Eyvo to help you in every step to make the transition.
Firstly, we would help you differentiate between running it ‘On Premises’ as opposed to ‘Software as a Service’ – there are distinct advantages and disadvantages to both methods and we offer both types of solutions depending upon your requirements.
This can be in the form of a detailed working specification that either you draw up or we can perform for you on site – we also identify the resources you have available, the stakeholders and team members, roles and responsibilities. Once that has been established we then perform an impact analysis on the business to determine which departments and users will be affected, what data they currently use in their existing solution (even if it’s a fully manual process) and what data needs to be mapped onto our eProcurement system.
Configure Approval Hierarchy
Data Cleansing
Setup System and User Defaults
Configure Group Approval Process
Test All Integrations
Regression Test All Custom Software
Import data From 3rd Parties
Such issues as data cleansing and data validation are discussed and managed. For example, just because you currently deal with a vendor base of several hundred suppliers, this does not mean you would want to bring all those vendors into the new system on day one; perhaps instead you want to issue an automated RFI to invite only your top vendor to register for the new system.
The use of data templates and flow charts is used to clarify the required data and how that replicates through the work flows in the system.
2 Detailed DesignOur implementation services team then gets to work drafting out the design of the forms, reports and work flows and wireframe the concepts so you can see your ideas come to life.
3 Integration and final configurationOnce we have a running solution we see how it embeds itself into your infrastructure and begin work on the rollout and testing plan.
4 Training phaseWe will take the system administrators and key managers and walk them through their roles within the system. We also take a train-the-trainer approach. We will certify key members of your team to become power users and once they have completed that training they will then have enough knowledge to conduct internal training sessions that comply with your own corporate culture.
5 Testing PlanWe will design a suitable testing plan for each of the workflow phases and provide formal sign-off documentation for each of the user departments to confirm the system is performing to their expected standards in both functionality, speed of response and overall design
6 Final System DeploymentDepartmental and regional rollout deployments will be scheduled and resourced in accordance with the user groups involved.
7 External Assets Engaged
Customers, suppliers, 3rd party applications and final integration are all enabled to round out the entire production solution.
The above is just a small example of how our Professional Services Team can assist and advise on ensuring a smooth roll-out and deployment throughout your organization.
Contact us today and find out how we can take your company’s transactions to the next level. We will build a personal solution that best meets your needs – We look forward to hearing from you.
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UK +44 (0)560 307 4470